Campers Share Their Experiences from Summer Camp

Summer Camp at A Horse’s Friend

One young and two older campers shared their experiences of learning, having fun and much more in AHF summer horsemanship camp.

Immediately they learned safety rules for being around horses, and “AHF Way “of treating each other (signs posted prominently). After a walking tour of the farm, greeting and petting the horses in pasture, they quickly engaged in cleaning stalls, grooming, and identifying all the parts of tack needed for riding. Lessons in leading a horse, mounting, proper posture and location of feet in stirrups, use of reins, were taught and reinforced regularly. Additionally, riding with both a saddle and bare-back , balancing – arms in the air!, trotting, cantering and jumping challenged these campers.


They talked about the horses they liked and why, describing their personalities. Favorites were Mariah, Dixie, Annabelle, and Coco Puff. They loved Coco Puff because he was a trouble maker and challenge. They liked that some horses required more work and effort. Other horses were enjoyed because they listened and knew what to do. One horse was described as easy going yet unpredictable.

Over time, they learned “a lot about the horses” to “read the signals of the horses” e.g when they were getting ready to munch on grass. Caring for horses is integral to this experience . These children felt that was an important part of what they learned. For a number of campers who participated in the extended program, they also learned to fix fences and water and feed horses.


Other activities they enjoyed were wagon rides, trails rides, creating a picture board that included a picture of them with a horse, games e.g. Gaga ball, kick ball and relay races. They were most enthusiastic about the “competitive day” where they raced on horses. Smiles and giggles were part of their sharing fun experiences with Matt . While not mentioned, this observer has noted the friendships that developed among the campers.


Parents who visited at the end of the first four weeks enjoyed visiting the farm and seeing the accomplishments of their children. Some shared their gratitude for the growth in positive behavior they saw in their children.

Horses in their Future

When the three children were asked about whether there would be horses in their future resoundingly the answer was YES! The younger camper wanted to have his own horse – for sure. One older camper described a future where she became a lawyer and could afford a farm and horse. The other older camper envisioned being a vet and farrier and owning a farm with horses and other animals.

What a Summer!

This horse camp under Matt’s leadership opens a world that would otherwise not be accessible for most of these urban children. In this bucolic farm setting they experience horses and riding and much more. They learn the importance of listening and following directions and the value of respect and cooperation. They learn about others, themselves and what they are capable of doing!

It was a summer of fun, adventure, excitement, hard work, and learning. Would they come back next year? Yes, they would!